Friday, December 23, 2005

A New Year

Her name will be Sophia Jane. She will have my nose and wear it proudly despite Bob Hope references. She will play a million instruments, learn a million different languages, and then forget them because that’s what children do when they become whole. They take the bits and pieces and save the ones worth saving to remain whole. She will rebel or maybe not at all. I never saw cause for rebellion, I was born free. Although I did seek it. She will know the difference between wrong and right and will fight to the death to render them. Fingers crossed she will be healthy and happy all of her days. She will fall in love and out of love. One day, some day, a fool will break her heart and turn her tears into gold. She will be a million times better than her mom and pop at everything and will never cease to amaze. She will be a Sophia Jane, a wise girl in a new world. Here’s to the New Year and all the promise it really does bring

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