Thursday, May 12, 2005

I need a job to consume this

I locked the dogs out. I shut the door on them and pleaded with Olive to come out from under the bed for an hour just now. This is not what I expected. I have faxed out 13 resumes this morning alone, and I am falling fast esleep before 10 every night. I am supposed to go to Chopsticks tonight and say goodbye to a person I can barely recall. I have been kicked out of one bar in my tenure. That one bar was Chopsticks. I highly doubt it will be remembered. I was 20 when it happend. My fake id was acceptable but my drunk boyfriend at the time was not. We were not-so-politely escorted out when he called the bartender a 'pretentious asskid'. All and all it should be okay I suppose. The old and the new friends will meet for the first time and I will sit quietly and nod. I am a wreck inside. Broke and homeless do not suit me well. Fingers crossed the pabst will be chilled and cheap upon my arrival, and I wont be asked to sing 'Angel of the morning' for the drunk stranger's party for the 565th time just because I can.

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